Outdoor & Indoor Accessories

Accessories, Tools, and Batteries

3.6 Volt Lithium Battery and Battery Cap

3.6 Volt Lithium Battery and Battery Cap

For use with SmartCollar®, R9, R9V and R12 receiver models.

Typically lasts up to 2 years in the R9 and R12; 1 year in the R9V and SmartCollar®.

Includes new Battery Cap. Cap should be replaced when battery is changed.


3.6 Volt Lithium Battery (For Older Receivers w/METAL Battery Caps)

3.6 Volt Lithium Battery (For Older Receivers w/METAL Battery Caps)

For use with R8, R3000, AR300 and most older receiver models – receiver models manufactured before 2010.

Typically lasts up to 1 year.


3.6 Volt Lithium Battery With Cap - Buy 3 and Save!

3.6 Volt Lithium Battery With Cap - Buy 3 and Save!

For use with R9, R12, and SmartFence Receivers.

Typically lasts up to 2 year.


3.0 Volt Lithium Batteries (2) With Battery Caps

3.0 Volt Lithium Batteries (2) With Battery Caps

For use with R7mini, R7 and R12mini receiver models. Also for the CR7 Cat Receiver. Typically lasts up to 6 months.

Includes new Battery Cap. Cap should be replaced when battery is changed.


3.0 Volt Lithium Batteries (6) and Battery Caps (6)- Buy 6 and Save!

3.0 Volt Lithium Batteries (6) and Battery Caps (6)- Buy 6 and Save!

For use with R7mini, R7 and R12mini receiver models. Also for the CR7 Cat Receiver. Typically lasts up to 6 months.

Includes new Battery Cap. Cap should be replaced when battery is changed.


Replacement Battery for MB-1 and IB100

Replacement Battery for MB-1 and IB100

Rechargeable replacement battery for the MB-1 Indoor/Outdoor Mobile Boundary transmitter and IB100 Indoor Boundary.


Power Cord/Charger for Indoor & Mobile Boundaries

Power Cord/Charger for Indoor & Mobile Boundaries

For use with all DogWatch Indoor and Mobile Boundaries (MB-1, MB-2, IB100, IB200).




The PowerPak™ automatically provides up to 8 hours of standby power. Plugs directly into the DogWatch SmartFence® and ProFence Transmitters. Compact design - 4.25" wide, 2.82" high and 2.25" deep.


Basic  1

Basic 1" Fence Receiver Collar Bands

A sturdy and attractive collar that accommodates all DogWatch receivers. Strap collars are 1" wide and come in several sizes.


Basic 3/4

Basic 3/4" Fence Receiver Collar Bands

A sturdy and attractive collar that accommodates all DogWatch receivers. Strap collars are 3/4" wide and come in several sizes.


Basic 5/8

Basic 5/8" Fence Receiver Collar Bands

A sturdy and attractive collar that accommodates all DogWatch receivers. Strap collars are 5/8" wide and come in several sizes.


GentleFit™ Contact Posts

GentleFit™ Contact Posts

Smooth comfortable fit with a low profile. Select "Short" for  very short haired pets. Select "Medium" for pets with short to medium length coats. Please note; GentleFit contacts do not work effectively with pets with long or thick coats. Standard contacts are recommended for most cats. Please contact us if you need help selecting contact posts. Compatible with all DogWatch receivers.

Includes the GentleFit contact posts and two screws.


Standard Contact Posts

Standard Contact Posts

Contact Post set fits all DogWatch receivers. Set includes 2 contact posts (stainless steel with plastic coating except at tips) and attachment accessories. Available in short, medium and long.


Battery Caps

Battery Caps

Used to secure the battery in the receiver.




Includes all the tools you need for your DogWatch receiver collar: A test light to test the receiver; a magnet to change the training levels, and a tool to open the battery compartment and interchange contact posts.


Outdoor Training Flags (100qty)

Outdoor Training Flags (100qty)

Flags sold by the bundle (100 flags/bundle).


Indoor Training Flags with Bases

Indoor Training Flags with Bases

Package of 4 flags and 2 bases.


Replacement Yard Sign

Replacement Yard Sign

Let walkers, joggers, and delivery people know that your dog is contained.


Wire Repair Kit

Wire Repair Kit

This repair kit includes 10 feet of wire, four splice nuts, and instructions.


Lupine Collars

Lupine 1" Fence Receiver Collar Bands

Sizes Available:

Small 12'' - 17'' - Only available in solid Purple, Blue, & Blaze Orange (Not Pictured).
Medium 16'' - 24'' - Available in all patterns and solid colors.


These are Lifetime Warranty collar bands designed for mounting DogWatch Hidden Fence receivers. There is no leash hook.


Lupine Splash Receiver Collar Bands

Sizes Available:

Small 12'' - 17'' 
Medium 16'' - 24'' 

New Lupine Splash! Made of waterproof BioThane®. These are Lifetime Warranty collar bands designed for mounting DogWatch Hidden Fence receivers. There is no leash hook.


Lupine 3/4" Fence Receiver Collar Bands

These are Lifetime Warranty collar bands designed for mounting DogWatch Hidden Fence receivers. There is no leash hook.

Xtra Small- 9"- 12"

Small- 12"- 17"


3/4'' BigLeash Remote Trainer Replacement Snap Closure Bands

One Size Fits All / Trim to Size. Not Pictured: Solid Purple, Blue and Blaze Orange

These Lifetime Warranty collar bands are made to fit the BigLeash Remote Trainer only. Please note they will not work with DogWatch Hidden Fence receivers.


Lupine 3/4" General Use Collar Bands

Not Pictured: Solid Purple, Blue and Blaze Orange.

These are standard collar bands designed for everyday use, including walks! Please note, these do not fit DogWatch Hidden Fence receivers.


Lupine 1" General Use Collar Bands

These are standard collar bands designed for everyday use, including walks! Please note, these do not fit DogWatch Hidden Fence receivers.


Gift Cards

$25 Gift Card

$25 Gift Card

$50 Gift Card

$50 Gift Card

$100 Gift Card

$100 Gift Card

$500 Gift Card

$500 Gift Card

Not sure what you need? Give us a call!

Our experienced, friendly staff is here to answer any questions you might have about choosing the right product for your pet. Give us a call or email for more information.